
Don't let your job control your life

There is a difference between being productive and being driven. Many things are good in moderation and work is one of them. The word "career" is derived from "carraria," meaning "vehicle." Your career or job is the vehicle you use to travel your path of life. It's not the reason for your life. Here are five suggestions for keeping your work in perspective.

1, In order to insure balance, use your planner to schedule personal and family activities as well as your work-related activities.

2. Some people bring home worries, stress and frustration as well as a bulging briefcase or computer bag. Go for a walk, a brief swim or otherwise unwind before making the transition from work to home.

3. You don't sleep in your work clothes; so don't relax in them either. Change from your work clothes to casual or lounging attire immediately upon arriving home. It will help your mind switch from work mode.

4. Weekends should provide relaxation - a chance to recharge your batteries for the week ahead. Leave plenty of time for spontaneity. And consider simplifying your life so you can spend more time on the things you are passionate about.

5. When you take a vacation, leave your office work behind. It makes no sense to get away from it all and then take it all with you.

And don’t forget that getting organized will help you enjoy life more. Some people claim that being organized and managing your time well take the spontaneity out of life. In actual fact, being organized frees up the time for spontaneity.

Trish Crawford, a Toronto Star reporter, put it this way: “If I’m not running around buying presents, food shopping or cooking at the last minute, I can be reading, visiting or taking a leisurely walk.”


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